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Jackluna's 2nd application, D-E breakfloor map

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:04 pm
by lunajamba
Hey all!, This is my 2nd application.
My first was something i did in 5-10min.
And I shouldent apply when I had just joined the community;)
Old app: declined/lunajamba-s-application-t787.html

•Do you regularly TK on the server?
•Do you regularly annoy other people?
•Do you regularly spam your microphone?
No, i rarely use it.
•Do you swear a lot?
•Do you share your Steam account with anyone (this includes your close relatives)?

What is your name?
Karl Svensson

What is your in-game name?
Jackluna A3

What is your Steam username?

How old are you?
15(16 in feb the 28th:).

Where do you live?

Do you have any previous admin experience?
No, not in css.

Why would you fit as an admin (long answer, please)?
Well i think I am a mature guy and Im online on the server 5hours+ most days. I see lots of tk and other stuff on my time as I bet you understand. There is usually admins on the steamgroup but not always some one who can come or has the time. It would be great to skip that step so I dont take their time, and the 'tking' is getting dealt whit faster:). I have been trying to telling ppls to stop camp etc. Some stop when I say its a server rule, but some ask if Im admin I say ''No'' they lol and countinues. I think I would fit great as a admin whit my high activity ( i think most of you can agree im there all the time:D ).
What game do you generally play (CSS or CS1.6)?

Do you have anything else you would like to tell us?

/edit 22/3
I have not come here to become a admin, just to show it of. And then sit in the steamgroup. I want to be out there playing whit the members and give the newcomers a good first impression to the community/server.
There's often admins in the steam group comming if they have to, but I dont want to call them if there is only camp, or if it is tking but less than 4 players. The chance they come for nothing and all leave is to great and I dont want to waste a admins free time for nothing.
And the only answer you get for telling the server rules is ''fu''.

Thanks for reading /jack

Re: Jackluna's 2nd application, D-E breakfloor map

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 11:00 pm
by seke3
Nice application! Good english! I dont really know you so much in the forum or in game, im not very active in game anyways but you seem to be a happy kid from sweden like me :). Unfortunately you were not friendly to a person when we played breakfloor_n3b_underwater today so i want you to get more mature, lets say that you can re-apply next month or so. you are pretty new in the forum too.

Re: Jackluna's 2nd application, D-E breakfloor map

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 11:17 pm
by lunajamba
woot? what was his name? could have been my friend we was trolling eachother

Re: Jackluna's 2nd application, D-E breakfloor map

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:39 am
by N3bulouz
seke3 wrote:Nice application! Good english! I dont really know you so much in the forum or in game, im not very active in game anyways but you seem to be a happy kid from sweden like me :). Unfortunately you were not friendly to a person when we played breakfloor_n3b_underwater today so i want you to get more mature, lets say that you can re-apply next month or so. you are pretty new in the forum too.
Lol for real son? You're not up to deciding whether he is accepted or not! And telling a person to be mature, while you aren't even mature yourself, pfff..
He has been active on the forums, and even more active in-game. He always calls for me when there are problems, I like that concern for the server.

To Jack: Please only take the decision of admins in account, not from regular members, they have nothing to say about applications.

Re: Jackluna's 2nd application, D-E breakfloor map

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:03 pm
by Whiskey
They can say something about applications N3b ;)

You've been active on the forums and ingame Yes,

Your a kind guy, and mature (this is what i've seen from you)

Where seke found out that you where immature from i dont know, but i want to hear the opinions before i find my final decicion, ;)


Your dear Whiskey

Re: Jackluna's 2nd application, D-E breakfloor map

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:33 pm
by FrostMinD
My experience of you is that you're a very activ player on the breakfloor map. So far, you have not shown any signs of immaturity. However, if i was you i would have waited a bit longer before re-applying
Still, I wish you good luck!

Re: Jackluna's 2nd application, D-E breakfloor map

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 4:03 pm
by seke3
I forgot what he said to a person but it was in swedish and it wasnt positive, that player wasnt that good, i think the player asked were you could buy guns. N3b, why don't you think im mature?

Re: Jackluna's 2nd application, D-E breakfloor map

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 4:32 pm
by lunajamba
Dude thats bullshit, I have helped over 50 ppls to learn them n3b_underwater, and I have NEVER been a asshole to some one new.

Re: Jackluna's 2nd application, D-E breakfloor map

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 12:30 am
by seke3
I think it was someone named jackluna.maybe it was another person. I know that we were the only ones on the server and some people joined and leaved once in a while when we played breakfloor_n3b_underwater. we were in different teams. but im pretty sure it was you that said something stupid to that player, and it was in swedish.

Re: Jackluna's 2nd application, D-E breakfloor map

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 1:33 pm
by lunajamba
You mean I told Jackluna something stupid,or??

I wish I could talk to you about this in private chat to avoid spam. But Im laying in my bed whit 40 degrees fever and I cant go out of my bed. This is my sisters laptop and she doesent have Steam.

Re: Jackluna's 2nd application, D-E breakfloor map

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 1:36 pm
by N3bulouz
Uhm, guys, here is not the place to discuss these things. Keep on-topic, or stay out of this.

Re: Jackluna's 2nd application, D-E breakfloor map

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 5:17 pm
by Reaper
your on the server nine out of ten times when i'm playing, and you are helping newcomers and when it comes to rule breakers you do tell them about the server rules.

and about your activity on the forum it seem to be okay.

I would say yes :)

Re: Jackluna's 2nd application, D-E breakfloor map

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 1:31 am
by Whiskey
Got the info.

I say yes and goodluck for you luna.

And seke Please do not spam this down, to a big discussion in his application please? It would just ruin for your next apply.

Your Sincerely Whiskey.

Re: Jackluna's 2nd application, D-E breakfloor map

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 2:32 am
by seke3
seriously im not joking around u guys maked a big deal of it and i just shared my info. if you dont want my info, tell me.. i would say no.

Re: Jackluna's 2nd application, D-E breakfloor map

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:52 am
by Whiskey
seke3 wrote:I think it was someone named jackluna.maybe it was another person. I know that we were the only ones on the server and some people joined and leaved once in a while when we played breakfloor_n3b_underwater. we were in different teams. but im pretty sure it was you that said something stupid to that player, and it was in swedish.
seke3 wrote:I think it was someone named jackluna.maybe it was another person. I know that we were the only ones on the server and some people joined and leaved once in a while when we played breakfloor_n3b_underwater. we were in different teams. but im pretty sure it was you that said something stupid to that player, and it was in swedish.

Seke, you don't get my words mate? ¨DON'T SPAM HIS APPLICATION MORE¨? I do not say you lie or anything. Im telling from i what i've seen on him, you'r telling from what you've seen from him. We do not accuse you for anything, we all got our own answears. Doggie will make the final decicion this is all so doggie can see what we think.
But please don't spam his apply down more, N3b also tried to provent this.