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CSkill3R's application

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:35 pm
by CSkill3R
What is your name? kjell espen
What is your in-game name? CSKill3R
What is your Steam username? cskillerak
How old are you? 17
Where do you live? norway,larvik

Do you have any previous admin experience? no but i can recognize a cheater when i see one

Why would you fit as an admin (long answer, please)?
I often play at this server and everyday there are cheaters or campers and I can't do anything against them.
Exept of reporting of course, but sometime there isn't any admin online :S
I want to become an admin to help with this problem.
I always think about my decisions carefully. When Im online I almost check everyone for cheat

What game do you generally play (CSS or CS1.6)? CS 1.6
Do you have anything else you would like to tell us? im a quick learner

* Do you regularly TK on the server? no
* Do you regularly annoy other people? No
* Do you regularly spam your microphone? I never use my microphone
* Do you swear a lot? no
* Do you share your Steam account with anyone (this includes your close relatives)? No

i have changed my application because of i did copy a part of flubbels application and im sorry for that

Re: CSkill3R's application

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:14 am
by Whiskey
Hmm its so much to say about you! Nothing negeative though! Cause of you we have spotted many cheaters, you also are an mature and a nice guy who i think can fit to join the 1,6 admin team! Your very much online, 14/7 if not more! ;)

Re: CSkill3R's application

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:54 am
by Scoarden
Let me see,
You're Application is well written, i played often with you on rats and you always had a good behavior.
You also seem like a mature person, who cares about this server much. So, if my vote would count, i would say he is a good candidate for the job.

Re: CSkill3R's application

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:23 pm
by Flubbel
Im disappointed anyhow.. From the beginning of the "Why would you fit as an admin" section it was like a Déjà-vu.. I knew Ive seen this text already - at least.
Here we go: You cant just copy and paste my application!! First of all your application should be written by your own and secondly if you want to copy my application - ask me!!

That's everything about me! Anyway good luck!


Re: CSkill3R's application

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:43 pm
by Scoarden
omg... Flubbel is right.
In that case i need to say, that i won't vote for you, after that. And i have to think about it, that you are really mature enough to be an admin and if you can write an application on you own.

Re: CSkill3R's application

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:44 pm
by CSkill3R
flubbel i havent copyed your application. but i read your application just now i see why you said that, they are very much the same :S

Re: CSkill3R's application

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:55 pm
by Flubbel
... I should not comment on that!

Re: CSkill3R's application

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 4:03 pm
by fruitbowl 2
I've played with you in-game and I think you are one of those who don't whine, camp etc. I will not vote yes or no since I am not an admin. Good luck!

Re: CSkill3R's application

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:30 pm
by StatiC
I've had you on my friendslist for some time now, you have reported some cheaters for me to ban so you seem to have a good eye for that.

You seem well behaved, never fight, never seen you break any rules on the server.

I doubt the inexperience is a problem, there's not much arguing, you tell the players the rules and that's it and the menu is easy to handle.

Copying Flubbels application answers was a bad move but i think you will do a lot of good for the server.

Re: CSkill3R's application

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:50 pm
by Ciorpz
you seem okay , but for copying others applications is a very immature move.
I haven't played with you in game , but now im downloading cs 1,6 .
Your application is quite short, i think you should fill some more.
I can't vote Yes or No cause i'm not an admin.
But anyways good luck with your apply !

Re: CSkill3R's application

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:13 pm
by Flubbel
Ciorps, you can vote with a yes or a no, it just doesnt count as much as a decision of an admin.
CSkiller, you have edited your application, thats a good beginning =)

Re: CSkill3R's application

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:56 pm
by fruitbowl 1
I've seen you ingame many times and you've recorded cheaters which is both good signs. You still have only 22 posts and I think it would be better if you hung around here for a longer time so we can see the quality of your English and get to know you a bit better. It's hard to say if you copied Flubbel's application since we can't really proove it but the sentences were just the same so I am a bit suspicous.

I think you could be a great admin in the future but for the reasons above my vote is a no. See you on the server and keep on recording cheaters! :D

Re: CSkill3R's application

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:07 am
by Doggie52
CSkill3R, you've been here for some time and you've been active on the forums during this period. You've also spotted cheaters and helped other admins, which is a fine quality and which I hope you will continue.
Right now, however, you're just not cutting it as administrator. Copying another admin's application was foolish, if not stupid and does unfortunately affect my view of you quite negatively. Your English is not where it needs to be to communicate successfully with other players and admins.
Unfortunately, therefore, I must decline you this time. Stick around, keep helping our admins out and be a good person -- that way you'll stand a much better chance if you apply a next time!

Good luck!

Re: CSkill3R's application

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:03 pm
by CSkill3R
ok had a feeling that would happen :/ but i will keep reporting cheaters and work on my english :P