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CS 1.6 Rats_2k4 Suggestion

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:14 pm
by Unique
We should add Voteban and Votekick for Cs1.6 server Rats_2k4 because admins arent often online while cheaters and racists are unfortunately. But Voteban permanently is a bit brutal, dont u think? , so maybe we can figure out something else for that, something like that ALL online gotta vote YES and then an server admin must vote yes also. Maybe something like that they only get banned for 15 min and you must write an description something like this "Voteban Unique for racism and cheating" I dont know really just got that on my mind :)
please give me criticism if you got annything against my suggestion please!

CS 1.6 Rats_2k4 Suggestion

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 9:59 pm
by Unique
1.We should add Voteban and Votekick for Cs1.6 server Rats_2k4 because admins arent often online while cheaters and racists are unfortunately. But Voteban permanently is a bit brutal, dont u think? , so maybe we can figure out something else for that, something like that ALL online gotta vote YES and then an server admin must vote yes also. Maybe something like that they only get banned for 15 min and you must write an description something like this "Voteban Unique for racism and cheating" I dont know really just got that on my mind :)

2. Disable Free Chase mode cam because it is getting really annoying with peoples who are ghosting.

3. Maybe this is to much to ask but im just thinking about the players I dont know really I have manny wierd suggestions. We can add Crosshair colours in the /help menu and maybe con_color(the ingame text). And maybe Hud_fastswitch or Hud_dynamiccrosshair, things like that! If I were an beginner and wanted help to fix my config i would be overwhelmed with this. But i think maybe Doggie dont have the time with getting all this... so I looked up some Colours / Commands
Modd your Counter-strike Config!("slogan")
Green,Yellow,Blue,Lthblue and red u can change in Options. (but if you want I can find the commands for them to)
Orange Cl_crosshair_color "250 165 0"
Pink Cl_crosshair_color "250 0 250"
White Cl_crosshair_color "255 255 255"
Black Cl_crosshair_color "25 25 25"
Gray Cl_crosshair_color "127 127 127"
Purple Cl_crosshair_color "160 32 240"
Gold Cl_crosshair_color "
I have tested all theese commands and it is all correct!

green con_color "0 64 0"
yellow con_color "255 255 0"
blue con_color "50 50 255"
red con_color "255 51 51"
orange con_color "255 102 51"
pink con_color "250 0 250"
white con_color "255 255 255"
black con_color "1337 1337 1337"
gray con_color "156 156 156"
purple con_color "160 32 240"
gold con_color "255 215 0"
brown con_color "165 42 42"
Hud_ commands
Hud_fastswitch 1 This Command makes it easyer to change weapons (description for players)
Hud_dynamiccrosshair 0 This Command makes your crosshair NOT to enlarge when you jump or run (description for players)
Fps_max 101 This you might want to try if your fps is low. Remember! If this command doesn't work it might be your Video settings or your hardware that is not correct or might be slow hardware. (description for players)
I cant come up with annything else , PLEASE give me critism if you think this is ridiculous or unnecessary.

Re: CS 1.6 Rats_2k4 Suggestion

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 11:23 pm
by fruitbowl 1
I like suggestion 1, a votekick can sometimes be rather useless because the player can come back just after he'd been kicked so I think voteban is necessary and the time limit can be discussed for it. Racism is too often used and a gag works fine when an admin is around but otherwise it's
hard to make it stop by words.

Suggestion 2 makes it harder for an admin to check that players aren't camping for example, I know it's very disturbing when players ghost but it doesn't happen too often or am I wrong?

I've already done a thread for this kind of topic but Doggie can fix it.

Re: CS 1.6 Rats_2k4 Suggestion

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:32 am
by Unique
I agree with everything u said. Didnt think of that tho in suggestion 2. But suggestion 3, I think that was an good idea? :)

Re: CS 1.6 Rats_2k4 Suggestion

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 4:31 pm
by Unique
Who should I write to if I'd like my proposal to complete?

Re: CS 1.6 Rats_2k4 Suggestion

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 11:26 am
by NickCPC
Doggie (the community leader/head admin) will see this thread soon, and he'll comment on what you've suggested. Don't worry!

Voteban seems sensible, but as someone who has hardly ever played CS1.6, I can't comment on your other suggestions.

Re: CS 1.6 Rats_2k4 Suggestion

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:35 pm
by Doggie52
Hello! Thank you for expressing interest in our servers and for taking time to post all of these suggestions! Let my try and comment on each of them.

1. Votekick is a great idea. People who repeatedly offend others or who generally act in bad ways should be punished - even when there are no admins online. I'm a bit reluctant to the idea of a voteban, I will think of this when I implement votekick!

2. Ghosting shouldn't really be of any worries since this is a public server. The admins need the ability to freely spectate other players in order to check whether they are hacking or such. Not only is this necessary for admins, but it is also a good way for regular players to spectate a suspected hacker and determine whether he/she is one and then report him/her to an admin! The ability to freely spectate will stay on the server for the time being!

3. This is a very interesting idea - unfortunately I simply don't have the time to implement this. If you search the AMXModX plugins and find something which you think can be useful, please do let me know via PM or Steam!

Re: CS 1.6 Rats_2k4 Suggestion

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 8:42 pm
by Unique
I will Doggie52! Thanks:)

Re: CS 1.6 Rats_2k4 Suggestion

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 12:57 pm
by StatiC
I got a couple of suggestions too.

1. The CT only seems to have 7 spawn spots so when there are 8 players in CT 1 dies by spawning in another CT - Max amount of players should be changed to 14 or 15(there's sometimes playeys afk in spec)

2 PTB would maybe even the teams out, sometimes one team gets "owerpowered" which causes the other team to go to the last resort, camping, which makes a lot of player drop the server. Maybe by moving some good players between the teams this could be prevented

Re: CS 1.6 Rats_2k4 Suggestion

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 8:10 pm
by Unique
StatiC wrote:I got a couple of suggestions too.

1. The CT only seems to have 7 spawn spots so when there are 8 players in CT 1 dies by spawning in another CT - Max amount of players should be changed to 14 or 15(there's sometimes playeys afk in spec)

2 PTB would maybe even the teams out, sometimes one team gets "owerpowered" which causes the other team to go to the last resort, camping, which makes a lot of player drop the server. Maybe by moving some good players between the teams this could be prevented
How will the server know which ones are the good ones or not? It will be difficult for Douglas to find such a program, I think. In addition, there is already a program that sends the players to the other team if it gets too uneven between the teams. Already got this 2 suggestion on my mind but I keept them for myself because of the reason I wrote.

Re: CS 1.6 Rats_2k4 Suggestion

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 8:12 pm
by Flubbel
About Static's suggestions:

I think the first suggestion is right, but isnt there a better solution? Any kind of "Spawnpoint-creater"?
If yes, does it take much time to create new spawnpoints?

The second suggestion is also good, but if u play on a server where this is enabled its annoying and confusing to change the team every round.

Re: CS 1.6 Rats_2k4 Suggestion

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 7:57 pm
by StatiC
Flubbel wrote:About Static's suggestions:

I think the first suggestion is right, but isnt there a better solution? Any kind of "Spawnpoint-creater"?
If yes, does it take much time to create new spawnpoints?

The second suggestion is also good, but if u play on a server where this is enabled its annoying and confusing to change the team every round.
Sure there are spawnpoint creators but i doubt Doggie has time to do that, i dont know how they work. Anyway there is probably not enough places to put the spawns, lots of place under the fridge BUT the tunnels under there could be too crowded + afks could block the ways.

Changing the max amount of players would be an easy solution, if more spawnpoints could be created, that would be great.

PTB doesn't bully palyers by transfering the same player many times. If friends want to play then sure PTB could be in the way but still, friends who play sometimes ghost over ventrilo, skype etc, PTB could ramdomly make them change team, thus discouraging ghosting. It also fixes the WTJ problem on the server.
Unique wrote: How will the server know which ones are the good ones or not? It will be difficult for Douglas to find such a program, I think. In addition, there is already a program that sends the players to the other team if it gets too uneven between the teams. Already got this 2 suggestion on my mind but I keept them for myself because of the reason I wrote.
As i said PTB(A common plugin) could fix all that, it is just as simple to install as the other plugins on the server, the plugin keeps track on the players score so it knows which palyers are "good", so it knows which players to transfer to even the teams as much as possible. The default Auto-Teambalancer isn't very good, when one team has two or more players, it transfers the most recent player in the team, PTB would make the losing team have more players if possible to give the team a fair chance at winning.

More can be read at this site:

When players start dying in spawn they leave the server so the extra slots doesnt make much difference to the game itself, it only makes the experience of the server worse to some players.

Re: CS 1.6 Rats_2k4 Suggestion

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 8:19 pm
by Doggie52
About PTB: I've never really liked that plug-in as it seems, to me at least, to very often make mistakes. I will, however, consider adding it in the next maintenance batch (where I will include some previously mentioned suggestions). I have as of tonight changed the maximum player count to 16 slots (including one reserved for us admins) - this should be enough for 14 players plus spectators.

To Unique: the plugin you are talking about which sends people over to the other team simply does this when the amount of players is unequal. That plugin does not take into account the level of skill of the players.

About creating spawnpoints: as far as I am concerned this is not a particularly easy process and would require me to de-compile, edit and then compile the map all over again. This would render people unable to join as they would have an incorrect version of the map installed, though.. If someone can do some little research into perhaps a plugin or other solution for this, I'd be happy to take a look at it, though!

Re: CS 1.6 Rats_2k4 Suggestion

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 11:44 pm
by GloriousNoR
I may have found the solution for the spawn problem:

Re: CS 1.6 Rats_2k4 Suggestion

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:37 pm
by Doggie52
Glorious - thank you very much! I have added a similar plug-in to the one you posted, but hopefully there should be no such problems now that I have lowered the maxplayers.

To all other suggesters - I will deal with your suggestions this week!