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make the server MORE fun!!

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:57 pm
by Ciorpz
well normally people get bored when only 1same line goes around and nothing fun.. happens making a new map with all the greatest extras with street style... and stuff..the server would be full off people playing in anytime unrestrickting shotguns restrickting machine gun..

i have heard that people dont want breackfloor2k5 so why not switch it with our own map but someone has to make the map and give ur ideas on the map or if you want something else then post here!!!

Re: what do you want to change in dream evil breackfloor server?

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 6:40 pm
by Tomppeli
Why cant we just PM some suggestion to Doggie...

/useless thread

Re: what do you want to change in dream evil breackfloor server?

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:13 pm
by Doggie52
This is a good idea for a thread, but it would have been better if you just post a thread+poll with specific ideas, not a general "wishlist". I am, however, moving this to the General forum which is where it's supposed to be.

Re: what do you want to change in dream evil breackfloor server?

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:15 pm
by ewil apple
What would I change:

1. No breakfloor2k5 map
2. New maps on the server
3. Unrestrict shotguns
4. Restrict the machine gun
5. Votekick ability

Now, please note that this is not me complaining, it's just what I would change =)!

Re: what do you want to change in dream evil breackfloor server?

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 1:22 am
by Jipneke
1. No breakfloor2k5 map
2. New maps on the server
3. Unrestrict shotguns
4. Votekick ability
6. Breakglas maps?
7. Big leave @ 4:35 messages at start of the round blbla..

Re: what do you want to change in dream evil breackfloor server?

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 1:59 am
by QuiiZ
Tomppeli wrote:Why cant we just PM some suggestion to Doggie...

/useless thread
Why are you always so negative? Knock it off god sake..

Re: what do you want to change in dream evil breackfloor server?

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 2:16 am
by ewil apple
Some people just are different. Well, Jipneke pointed out a good thing. Leave spawns before 4:35 should also be at start-up. I mean like when you say !csay "hello", then "Leave spawns before 4.35" should also come up like this.

Re: what do you want to change in dream evil breackfloor server?

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 9:15 am
by Ciorpz
why you guyz dont like breackfloor2k5? :D i think its a good map

Re: what do you want to change in dream evil breackfloor server?

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 12:44 pm
by ewil apple
It's small and weird. It has no room for digging deep and attacking from unknown position.

Re: what do you want to change in dream evil breackfloor server?

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 8:45 pm
by Dexter
I think the reason why many people don't like the 2k5 map is that lots of the people camp on this map. There is no round without camping and this is just annoying and nobody can actually do something again this. Maybe they stop for some rounds but then it starts again.

In my opinion I would do the following things:

Put new maps in. I think glassmaps are very good and and very funny.
Restrict the snipers.
Restrict the big machine gun.
Add the votekick.
Hmm don't really have much things but I will think about it maybe there will be another things but apart from this, the breakfloor server is a very good and funny server. The only bad thing are the tkers and sometimes the hackers.

Furthermore I have a question: Why you restricted the gravity command?


Re: what do you want to change in dream evil breackfloor server?

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 9:20 pm
by Jipneke
As we all know the loop of breakfloor maps is very limited, variation in types should be fun.

The glass "war" maps seem to look good to me, I don't know them perfectly but, we could try.

Re: what do you want to change in dream evil breackfloor server?

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 6:09 pm
by EvIlBlAcKsOnIc
i think it will be great to put more maps on the server we have alot off fun on the maps

and if we put more maps i think we can also put a votemap so we can sometimes do a votemap

for the rest we can do like i heard already use a one button for no tking and stuff

for the rest i dont now maybe to restrict the machinegun because when i play there are alot off trenchers with the machinegun

for the rest i still love the dream evil server

when is the next fightnight :-)

Re: what do you want to change in dream evil breackfloor server?

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:24 pm
by henk
i would change,
1. put in another map with an secret tele that goes into the middle wall,
2. no more breakfloor 2, personally i like 2.5 the most, and breakfloor 1 and 2 looks to much alike.
3. put in other maps, there are a lot maps, where you have blokks in the middle, and you have to shoot trough then and walk, of an lvl with 3 brekfloor walls, so there's more chance to suprice the enemy

Re: what do you want to change in dream evil breackfloor server?

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 10:13 am
by QuiiZ
It's way too easy to teamkill @ glass maps - It would never work.


Re: what do you want to change in dream evil breackfloor server?

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 11:48 am
by Dexter
Hmm you are right. It's to easy and this will be a big problem. Maybe there should be a map where you can survive when you fall down. Maybe there could be something like a jail or anything else. Maybe someone should design an own (breakfloor/glass/whatever)especially for the server. Don't know if you could use it but it would be very good to have an own map.
Seems there are a lot of problems a votemap seems to be good. Might be a thing (for Doggie to think about, but in my opinion it could be good.
