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Suggestion steam-names

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 6:55 pm
by Jipneke

I have a little suggestion and it will only work when I have to vote of all admins.

For players from servers it' s possible to contact an admin in the steam group.

But how do these players know who's an admin?

Maybe we should use tag's in front of our names to make clear we are the admins.

Remember it's just a suggestion..


[SA] Dream-evil * Jipneke or [SA] Jipneke

SA = Server Admin of course. Please fill in the poll I added to the topic

I would really appreciate.

As we all know you can use the "!admins" command in the server to request who's online.
These names are NOT identical to the steam display names

Greets, Jipneke

Re: Suggestion steam-names

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:23 pm
by EvIlBlAcKsOnIc
it will be declined doggie has already declined that and already explain why :-) so dont hope for it

Re: Suggestion steam-names

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 9:44 pm
by Doggie52
If I understand it correctly, you would like to change the Steam name (not in-game) of all admins?

Really, the way we're doing it right now is that we promote all admins to officers, that way anyone can really easily see admins online. I see no reason to change that.
If you mean the in-game names, well we can all be found using !admins so there is no point in adding something extra to our already large names.

Re: Suggestion steam-names

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:26 am
by Jipneke
Oh, I didn't notice the difference between admins/officers and members in the steam group.

I will look at it a little better.

Sorry for this useless topic.

Lock can be added :)
