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Apply for Admin by PungsparkaN*

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:54 pm
by PungsparkaN*
Hello =)

* Do you regularly TK on the server? No i don´t. Have done it but no longer.

* Do you regularly annoy other people? No. If people are annoying me i just ask why they are doing it...

* Do you regularly spam your microphone? No i don´t. Hate people that does it.

* Do you swear a lot? No. I can happen if theres people on the server thats´s TKing me or camping but it´s not often i happens.

To become an admin at Dream-Evil you need to be mature, patient and understanding. You need to speak fluent English and you should preferably be acquinted with how the breakfloor-maps works. Yes i am all of this things. My play time on your BTF (Break the floor) map is over 1100 minutes. But have played BTF on many others maps befor.

What is your name? My name is Björn Johansson (From sweden)

What is your in-game name?* PungsparkaN

What is your Steam username? B0nne094
How old are you?[/b] I am 23. The account name is a friend som im not 15 yeas old.

Where do you live? Sweden.
Do you have any previous admin experience?[/b] Yea but not much.

Why would you fit as an admin (long answer, please)? I think im e fair person and dont like people thats not nice and thoes that TK. So i wanna be admin to help the players on the server.[/b] I´m online almoste every day.

What game do you generally play (CSS or CS1.6)? CSS

Do you have anything else you would like to tell us? No if u want to know more add me on steam so we can chat or write it here.

Re: Apply for Admin by PungsparkaN*

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 10:01 pm
by ewil apple
Well, first of all, your English is a bit off, but that's still quite good.
I've seen you play on the server and you've never gotten into my eye with doing something wrong. I don't know what to say, in my oppinion you're a worthy candidate, but you also said you have been tk'n before. What would guarantee that you would not do so again?

And I don't think your name is recognizable to other admins. Let's see how they feel =)!

Re: Apply for Admin by PungsparkaN*

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 11:27 pm
by PungsparkaN*
ewil apple wrote: but you also said you have been tk'n before. What would guarantee that you would not do so again?

And I don't think your name is recognizable to other admins. Let's see how they feel =)!
Its like this when me and my friend first found a breakfloor server we didnt know what to do so TKed people insteed but that was like for 3 mounths ago but its your call. Since that day me and my friend also found out the ranking system on your server. Then we started go climb in the ranking. So now im rank 40 and haven´t TK:ed or 3 mounths.

And my name. Its because i have switched name so many times. But i have had PungsparkaN for like a mounth now.

Re: Apply for Admin by PungsparkaN*

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 11:39 pm
by ewil apple
It's not my server and I'm not the one who's judging you =)! I'm a new guy, started off just weeks ago, but I can say honestly that I'm a nolifer at this point in my life and I play on this server a lot. So I see who's online often or not. So, for other admins and Doggie, this guy is playing fairly and obeys the rules (seen him play a couple of times and did not get any complaints from others about him). Can't say anything else about him though, he still seems new to me. Maybe you should play for a month or two more =)!

Re: Apply for Admin by PungsparkaN*

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:23 am
by Dexter

I must say, since the last time I played a lot on the breakfloor server and saw you there too and must say that you are a very good fair and friendly player and you would be a good candidate for admin. I never saw you tking and hope you will become admin


Re: Apply for Admin by PungsparkaN*

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:07 am
by PungsparkaN*
Thank Dexter. it's so that you can not keep track of all the players or how. I have probably seen the majority of admins on the server, but it might not have seen me. But as I said it's more than just the two of you to judge me.

Re: Apply for Admin by PungsparkaN*

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:28 pm
by Doggie52
Thank you, both, for the valuable input. Good application, what previous admin experience have you got?

Re: Apply for Admin by PungsparkaN*

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 10:07 pm
by PungsparkaN*
It is not all that much. But anyway, I have not done so much only seen as not people break the rules, restarted the server and restrict weapons and unrestrict guns.

But it was a while ago. But will certainly come back to me. Then maybe you can teach me the basics again. I doesnt have the best memory. Had an accident when i crashed on the bike.

But my memory is getting better for every year =)

Re: Apply for Admin by PungsparkaN*

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 11:18 pm
by PungsparkaN*
How many of your administrators will answer my apply before I can get a right answer?

Re: Apply for Admin by PungsparkaN*

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 1:18 pm
by Tomppeli
Well, actually, none of us doesnt have to reply, couse Doggie makes the last deceision, but we give him somekind of quideness.. thats kinda our job when we r talking about applicatiions, help Doggies job to choose whos in and hos out etc.

Re: Apply for Admin by PungsparkaN*

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 4:40 pm
by PungsparkaN*
Ok so its up to him =)

Re: Apply for Admin by PungsparkaN*

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 8:13 pm
by PungsparkaN*
Have u forgot my apply? :(

Re: Apply for Admin by PungsparkaN*

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 2:21 pm
by Lector
Nope, just have patience. It might take a while before you get a final response from Doggie.

Re: Apply for Admin by PungsparkaN*

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 6:09 pm
by PungsparkaN*
Okey, im just so expectant

Re: Apply for Admin by PungsparkaN*

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:31 pm
by KickFoot
Please use apostrophe (') instead of the acute accent (´).

Overall your application looks good, just that you have some grammar/spelling issues.
I barely play CSS nowdays. Therefor I'm sure that I won't have the pleasure to play with you.
Whether the other server administrators choose to accept you, or to decline you, they have my support!
They say yes - I say yes. They say no - I say no.
After all... I did say yes to pretty every current administrator's application. I trust their judgement.
Good luck with your application!
