I guess you're right, but if people only want to focus on the kills, the demos are usually available for download. No point in making frag movies if people only want to see the frags. Having seen quite a few frag movies I'd say that this is actually one of the more clean ones, in comparsion to the majority of frag movies out there. And by clean I mean more focused on the kills. Most frag movies people film using third person every other second, flashing lights, 3D text placed on walls, list goes on; just a whole bunch of special effects. This guy has used what, a little bit of optical flares, coloring effects, ESL logos and some clips placed over other clips. It's not much more than that, really.
But you are right, most frag movies are all the same.
Fragshows are also fun to watch, but they're usually without music. Even if I don't really like the music they've got in the video, I still prefer music over nothing.
Little clips like these are nice, imho.
Re: Frag-movies
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 12:00 pm
by N3bulouz
Re: Frag-movies
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 6:26 am
by KickFoot
Alright, so this is actually a clip of my own; this happened yesterday when we were playing a 2on2 ladder game on de_nuke. It was funny as hell at the time, but those guys weren't really that good, we ended up winning with 16-0. The title means "best not to sit on the lamp".
It's recorded from my teammate's perspective, I am the other terrorist.
Re: Frag-movies
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 4:46 pm
by seke3
hahah XD you should have given him an arrow to the knee
Re: Frag-movies
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:29 pm
by fruitbowl 2
Haha n1 Kickfoot xD I really love such things like that. ^^
EDIT: Btw, here is a clip of mine when I'm testing HLTV instead of "in-eye".
Also, I'm working on a second fragmovie, only need a few more clips.
Re: Frag-movies
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:37 am
by KickFoot
Awesome clips yourself, well played. Surprised you don't have more views.
Re: Frag-movies
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 4:18 pm
by fruitbowl 2
KickFoot wrote:Thanks!
Awesome clips yourself, well played. Surprised you don't have more views.
Thanks! Yeah, that clip is "unlisted" on YT but overall I don't have very many subscribers
Re: Frag-movies
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:20 am
by Doggie52
Those are all some really nice clips. Loved the guy on the lamp. He must have gotten one hell of a surprise when jumping down !
Fruitbowl 2, is that you playing? Those were some nice shots!
Re: Frag-movies
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:52 pm
by fruitbowl 2
Doggie52 wrote:Those are all some really nice clips. Loved the guy on the lamp. He must have gotten one hell of a surprise when jumping down !
Fruitbowl 2, is that you playing? Those were some nice shots!
Yes it's me ^^ Thank you
Re: Frag-movies
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 6:46 am
by KickFoot
Oh, man. This prefire that I made here; classic. IT'S ALL ABOUT OUTSMARTING YOUR ENEMY, huehuehue. Protip: Watch it in fullscreen.
Pardon the music, it was not actually meant to be there, I just listened to it while I was recording and I had re-recorded like 5-6 times because Fraps was being a bitch, so I didn't wanna do it again.
This was before the actual game started though, the game ended in a draw, 15-15. It was a ladder game and they hadn't lost a single game with their 'new' 2on2 team and are one of the more respected/better people on that site, so even if I would have preferred to win I am still not too unhappy with the outcome of the game. Very unbalanced map, though. It was 11-4 to them as CT and then we also won 11 rounds as CT, and they 4 rounds as T, just like we did, so the game ended in a draw. It's such a heavy CT map it's not even funny.
Re: Frag-movies
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 8:47 pm
by seke3
Nice! You seemed to know the map! I luv it!
Re: Frag-movies
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 9:48 am
by EsketoN
Kickfoot, I'm just asking, are you allowed to use net_graph on css? Because in Cs1.6 you will get banned from different ladder-systems (ex. Games4u, playzeek or Playnation) if you use it.
Re: Frag-movies
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 4:33 pm
by KickFoot
Yes, net_graph is allowed on pretty much every ladder-system I've played at least; ESL, Games4u, UNGL, etc. Using net_graph 2 or 3 is however illegal everywhere and you get automatically kicked from the servers for using a value over 1. And you can really modify your GUI and whatnot how much you want, but moving your radar is not allowed. Those are pretty much the only rules.
Re: Frag-movies
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:48 pm
by EsketoN
Hi D-E!
Here is one of the 6 clips i did yesterday, I will edit all the clips when im done with everyone. I just downloaded Sony Vegas so I suck on editing but I hope ill become better
This clip is made in the inner backally and high on de_train. You will have to download the clip and look at it with your own media player. http://speedy.sh/By2Dz/5train.wmv
Observer the dubble-kill I get on the first shot + I'm the main awper in my team so you will only see AWP clips ^^