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RATS2k4-Server, its current status and "how-to"-improvement

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:16 pm
by Flubbel
Welcome to my thread about the RATS2k4-Server, its current status and personal improvement-ideas.

Since we seem to have some problems with the rats2k4-server I guess the time for changes has finally come. If we don't want to end like a WLAN-wire-shop would do, we should as soon as possible change some things at the 1.6 server. The server is empty - it feels like all the time. It's an virus the server won't defeat alone – as we have seen in the past months.

Maximum players today: 3
Maximum players this week: 4
Maximum players this month: 8
Average past month: 2

This is not the server I've been playing on for months. Some months ago we even had a big change with an enhancement of slots to 18. Isn't it sad that we had not even half of all slots used in the last month? My personal desire to connect to rats2k4 is on it's low for years! So I have decided: We need change to get chance!

I've been hard-working and I guess I have found some possible ways to improve the servers popularity. The following list is divided into a small description of the idea, a longer description why this could help the server and a personal estimate how good it may work.

Here we go:
  • - We change the map to “de_rats_1337”
    If you take a look at both maps . . they look the same. I personally don't know any different, if you do – please tell us. I've taken a look at “” and if you compare the 2 hits found when I was searching for de_rats2k4 with 40 hits found when I was searching for de_rats_1337 – this is an obvious broad hint: de_rats2k4 is an unknown and fameless map, but de_rats_1337, which is actually, at least nearly, the same map, is the well-known and famous map. So, if we change the map we could possibly get more players.

    I see a chance, but the chance could be bigger. I give 3.5/10 points.

    - We delete the “only rats2k4” and we add more rats maps
    I guess most players are not like some of us are. They neither want nor can play at the same map for about an hour. They get bored, so we increase their interest with the new possibility to chose next map / different maps. That should include nominations and votes.

    I actually hope this will help, but of course we also need players playing to become new players playing at the server – if you know what I mean. I give 4.5/10 points.

    - We change our appearance. We become a fun server
    We never were something like a endless serious server – we got a rats map, it's not a map for real professionals. But we could increase the fun with new addons. Example: my personal favourite is the grenade-mode-addon. It adds 7 different modes you can chose while holding the grenade; examples are “homing”, which makes the grenade seek near enemies , “motion sensor”, (describes itself) and “trip laser”, which makes the grenade explode if an enemy walks into the “laser”. (Look here:
    . Weird sounds? (I actually hate them sometimes)
    . What's about betting? What's about some crap like a lottery?
    . Warmup?
    . Knife-duels at roundend?
    . Grenade-trails / Grenade-drop?
    . ...


    I guess we have a great chance with that. It would take away the onesidedness and the boredom some players might have, so the server could become more fun. I give 7.5/10.

    - We add one or two bots (We have always “players” playing)
    Our major problem is the empty server and the associated vicious circle: no players <--> nobody connects, because of the empty server. I've noticed that if I am at the server, even if I'm only spectating, players join and start to play. If I'm waiting for someone to join without being at the server I can wait for years. And then the snowball effect begins. So all we need to do is to place a dummy-bot at rats to make players to connect. Nobody wants to connect to an empty server and furthermore less people find our empty server (like the setting at cs “only servers with players” or such). Active bots do not work, because the map is too complex for them – they get stuck in some weird corner.
    I guess we could try this, but alone, it will not solve the problem for the future. I will give 5/10 points, because it could solve a big problem we have with the server.

Now, I hope I didn't forget something and I would love to get some critical feedback or even, if serious, some positive feedback. My personal opinion about this whole situation is:
The best solution is the combination of the written possibilities. Like new maps, new addons, dummy-bot and a whole new beginning.

It took me long to write this and the content took me even longer, so I would appreciate much feedback and a great participation.

My concluding:

We need a new appearance!

Best Regards,


Re: RATS2k4-Server, its current status and "how-to"-improvem

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 12:18 am
by Jackless
I've been going through this Text and Flubbel’s Suggestions very carefully.
I agree 100% in what he says, because it's just true. I've looked at Gametracker myself, because of the difference between Rats2k4 and Rats1337 and it's sad, but true.
I'm playing at this Server for more than 4 years. I've seen Newbies becoming Pro's, Strangers becoming Friends and (very sad) the Server becoming nearly empty.
I guess that Me, Flubbel, Eli and Mett Broetchen are the only ones, who are still regularly playing there.

About Flubbel's ideas:
"- We change the map to “de_rats_1337” "
I personally like the idea, because it gives us a chance to get more players on the server.
"- We delete the “only rats2k4” and we add more rats maps"
The Server can only benefit from adding more maps. I know two Rats-servers, which are always filled with players (at least 4 players) and which got several rats-maps.
And I agree that players who got Flubbel's, Eli's, Mett's and my endurance to play the same map more than one hour are getting pretty rare to find.
"- We change our appearance. We become a fun server"
I especially like this idea very much, because when we got this, our regular skills are being tested in new ways. (Grenade-Throwing, Knife-fight-Skills etc.)
Also: Playing a game has to make fun, why not helping there a bit ;)?
"- We add one or two bots (We have always “players” playing) “
This idea is in fact very interesting, because in my experience I agree with Flubbel - that servers with players (no matter if bots or humans) are obviously more admired than empty servers (Seriously, who wants to play on an empty server?).

Now all in all, I think these ideas are really worth a try.

I would also propose an idea:
Some people join a server where they have got a good chance of getting a good rank or at least a small chance, not a nearly impossible chance
I mean, the current ranking includes 33979 players. For example, it took me more than two years to get in the top50. At the moment I am stuck at 31, because I can't rise anymore.
One reason is that we have players, who are banned, because of cheating, and who were hiding it pretty well until they got banned, so their ranks are still pretty high (waste of space, don't you think so too? ;) )
Another reason is that there are not enough players ingame, so there is no way of improving my stats. I believe other players have similar problems.
There are players in the top100, who are not playing on rats anymore.

So my suggestion is: a complete Rank-reset.
I know that players here, who are still playing sometimes and who do have a high rank (Like Flubbel #2, Eli #8, and Mett #5) won't like this idea at all. Actually me neither, but I believe it is necessary.
And it is necessary, because if new-joiners see that they can get into the top15 without playing 2 years are coming again and again.
This is my opinion.

But, like I said, it's very good that Flubbel brought up this topic.

Re: RATS2k4-Server, its current status and "how-to"-improvem

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:32 am
by N3bulouz
Great to see you put so much effort in this. They're all good solutions! Perhaps we can do the same with the source server? The breakfloor server has been empty for months now.

Re: RATS2k4-Server, its current status and "how-to"-improvem

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:37 pm
by fruitbowl 2
I can agree to much of it, but I did not understand, we should still HAVE rats2k4 at the server but other maps too, right? Then it's fine for me. =D

Re: RATS2k4-Server, its current status and "how-to"-improvem

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 8:19 pm
by fruitbowl 1
Good suggestions! I don't like the special mod for grenades though, I like the rest! :D

Re: RATS2k4-Server, its current status and "how-to"-improvem

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:03 pm
by eli
I would change the name; it will have an effect.

additional maps
It's always a good idea to put more than one single map into the map cycle.
The very well know nomination/vote system does a good job.
But we will have to think of maps which can be played with the existing mods.

fun server
I'm not sure about this. There are many servers which are empty all the time because the mods are too unknown or complicated.
Further, we should keep in mind, we have two (or more?) plugins installed on the server and the server's qualitiy is already very shitty. If we keep adding too many mods, there will be no more fun in playing.
The only plugin I would prefer is the one which displays damage immediately (perfect for even more unfair wallbanging :D )

Flubbel's theory of getting the server filled with the help of some bots... I think it won't happen. The very famous tried the same.
Now, everyone knows the bots and the servers are even more empty then before. :\

I don't care about my rankstats. Delete them, reset them, do whatever you want. :)
(To be honest, I would start a monthly resetting or something...)

Re: RATS2k4-Server, its current status and "how-to"-improvem

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:43 pm
by Whiskey
I remember my first rats map, we should deffinily put up more Rat maps in the cycle.

Re: RATS2k4-Server, its current status and "how-to"-improvem

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:51 pm
by eli
There are not many rats-maps which don't cause the players to leave.
rats3_v2 would work maybe...

Re: RATS2k4-Server, its current status and "how-to"-improvem

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 9:45 pm
by seke3
Ask n3bulouz to create breakfloor_de_rats or something for 1.6.. ;)

Re: RATS2k4-Server, its current status and "how-to"-improvem

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 12:16 am
by StatiC
- We change the map to “de_rats_1337”

This is a great idea.

- We delete the “only rats2k4” and we add more rats maps

Sounds good, as long as we don't add too many maps, or too big maps, big maps with a small amount of players get boring very fast.

- We change our appearance. We become a fun server

I'm not sure about the grenade plugin, some new players on the server doesn't even get how to open the doors in ct base, if we add new mods that add some new stuff that might be confusing and scare some players away, but a lot of players might like it. I still think this mod is worth a try.

- We add one or two bots (We have always “players” playing)

I think this is a good idea, as eli said people will get that it's only bots on the server but at least the server will show up in the server list even when you have "has users playing" filled in.

Resetting the stats might get some players to be more active, as eli suggested, a monthly reset or maybe quarterly is a good idea otherwise we will end up in the same state as now.

Re: RATS2k4-Server, its current status and "how-to"-improvem

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:53 am
by fruitbowl 2
seke3 wrote:Ask n3bulouz to create breakfloor_de_rats or something for 1.6.. ;)
Actually it is a map called "glassfloor" that works almost exactly as the breakfloor maps @ source. But Idk if it's a good idea on 1.6.. :)

Re: RATS2k4-Server, its current status and "how-to"-improvem

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 6:08 pm
by Doggie52
Thank you, Flubbel, for a very good summary of some great ideas! Thank you all who've commented and given your input, keep it coming!

I must admit the 1.6 server (and partly the Source server too) has seem some negligence from my side for the past couple of months. I'm about to move to London and I've been busy with preparations for that, as well as some last-minute work that I want to get done before moving.
The coming few weeks will not be better, unfortunately, as I need to get everything ready before the move. After (or possibly before) my move, however, I'm hoping to dedicate a few hours to get the servers back in shape. I'm also planning to buy another server computer and host one or two servers from my new location in London, but I can't promise anything yet.

Bottom line: I really appreciate the dedication and passion you guys put into the servers, and I want to make sure it pays off. I'll do what I can when I have time to get these ideas put into practice!

Re: RATS2k4-Server, its current status and "how-to"-improvem

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:01 am
by Doggie52
Sorry for double-posting, but I thought I'd get the changes going right away :) . Can you suggest a few maps I can add, apart from de_rats_1337? I haven't had a look at popular rats maps in a while, would like to know what's out there!

Re: RATS2k4-Server, its current status and "how-to"-improvem

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:31 pm
by eli

my suggestions!

Re: RATS2k4-Server, its current status and "how-to"-improvem

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:17 pm
by Flubbel
First of all, thank you for your participacion. I was already worried about getting no feedback at all, but you guys have shown me that I'm not alone "fighting" for our server!

Some things have changed already - great beginning. Thank you, Doggie, for taking time, even without having time these days! =)

To eli / Jackless

I guess there wont be any problems with too complicated or unknown plugins. We can chose and decide by our own if the plugins we add are too complicated or not.
It's the same about the server quality – if we see plugins decreasing the quality it should not be a problem to turn it off. The damage plugin.. makes our job more complicated.

I do not see your point, eli, because the famous servers are still well visited and if they tried the same it kind of worked well then?

Rankstats / A complete rank reset
I agree with eli and Jackless here. We should reset the ranks every second month to get a clear ranking system.

To fruitbowl 2

The best solution is to try if we should keep rats2k4. I mean, de_rats_1337 is the same map, so we kind of keep rats2k4, even by changing to rats1337.

To fruitbowl 1

Why don't you like the special nade plugin? It changes a lot, but even then, worth a try, isn't it? And I guess it does not destroy the whole game, but of course the “old good ways to play”.

To Whiskey

So, what was your first rats map then? : p

To Static

I agree to your point of too big maps. As long as we do not have enough players to play on big maps, we should not try to bring them up.

Yes, and this brings me to my next point. The “messsage”-idea (kind of attached at the end). But anyway, new plugins could bring new players, and actually I do not want to bring up big plugins like wc3 or zombie-mods. Only small ones with an manageable consequence.

Of course the people would get the “bot-parody”, we only need them to get more popular. And if we see the system collapsing . . we put them away. But actually I guess the bot-system works fine. There are always players, which do not get what goes on.


de_rats3_v2 – I agree with this. The map is popular and I like to play on it, it would not be a fault. But I've noticed that the map loves to change your sound settings, am I the only one with this problem?

– Another good suggestion. It's a well working map with a different touch. Black spots make you play even more careful – an interesting change to the “I see every corner”-maps.

de_atico_rats – I don't know this map and I have not found any server using it. Actually I do not know if I have ever heard about it. The pictures I have seen . . to be honest . . I don't know. I'm not sure about it, so I will take a look at it these days and argue after that.

de_rats_caravan – No, I'm really sorry, but I do not like this map. It's “cool” and great designed and well, but the map is too big and for this big download . . I was really disappointed, actually. I am also not quiet sure about the arrangement, the structure and such.

Personal add-suggestions:

- cs_rats2_final : It is an old, well known map and we could maybe catch some players with that. Another point is the difference between cs_ and de_ maps. Could give the players variety..
- de_rats6_v1 : It is an, in my opinion, well structured map, kind of big, but the used place is mostly not wasted. It could be too big if we don't get more players to the server.
- Possibly even cs_mice? It's not an actual rats-map, but I think it is one of the best-known “rats maps” at 1.6. So . . ?



Please excuse mistakes I possibly have done here and that I needed so long to reply. I'm not that well these days and I am kind of busy too.