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Gome tk breakfloor D-E

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 6:49 pm
by lunajamba



Re: Gome tk breakfloor D-E

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 7:21 pm
by KickFoot
While you have done a good work, things like these should stay outside of the forum - we can't make a new thread/post for every person that TKs, what would become of the forum then. :P

It would be better if you contacted an administrator through our Steam group instead so it can be dealt with even faster:

Re: Gome tk breakfloor D-E

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 7:27 pm
by lunajamba
oh sorry i forgot about the group;/

Re: Gome tk breakfloor D-E

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 7:55 pm
by KickFoot
No hard feelings, mate! Just try to keep it in your memory till next time. :)

Re: Gome tk breakfloor D-E

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:14 am
by seke3
i like that you try to keep the dream-evil breakfloor server clean! thats respect bro! :D

Re: Gome tk breakfloor D-E

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 11:00 am
by lunajamba
thanks, I failed whit making a new post for every tk, but I maybe are going to make a topic called '' lunajambas reports'' or something were I can post all tk footage etc when no admins are on the steam group.

Is it a bad idea or?:)

Re: Gome tk breakfloor D-E

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 5:45 pm
by KickFoot
Yes, we've had a similar thread that was locked.
Doggie52 wrote:Do NOT post teamkillers anywhere on the forums unless it is a teamkiller who repeatedly TKs and who has annoyed more than one player - contact our admins through Steam instead, it is much quicker and it can lead to the admin directly reporting the TKer to me.
It's through the Steam group or nothing, I'm afraid. You could possibly PM Doggie, but I believe he is much too busy to take care of that right now, so the Steam group is still your best bet.

Re: Gome tk breakfloor D-E

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:36 pm
by lunajamba
Okey ;)

Re: Gome tk breakfloor D-E

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:46 pm
by seke3
doggie, can you create a forum for this?

Re: Gome tk breakfloor D-E

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 3:41 pm
by Doggie52
seke3 wrote:doggie, can you create a forum for this?
Yes, I can, but I will not. I have repeatedly stated my reasons for not wanting these kind of discussions on the forums -- a TKer can only, and will only be banned if he repeatedly TKs people of the course of some time despite warnings from admins. Having random people post threads like these with clips of 2-3 TKs is not enough to get someone banned with the rules we enforce today. Thus, such reports should be made to an online admin who can then spectate the offender and take action if necessary.