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FightNight Report w.50

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 10:39 pm
by Doggie52
A nice Winter FightNight right the week before Christmas. Surprisingly we managed to gather quite a few people -- both old veterans and new players alike. In the beginning we were very focused on the AWP, which paid off to those teams who had good AWP:ers. Later in the game more focus was put on standard weapons and we also tried a knife round!

I apologize for the lack of demos -- only one map was recorded. This was because I forgot to turn recording on after having changed map to Office! Hope that's OK.

Time played: around 1.5 hours
Players participating: 6-8 players
Maps played: de_dustmas2_v2, cs_office
Link to demo: ... ht_w50.rar

A few screenshots are below -- feel free to upload yours' if you had any!