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W3 Maps - Feedback
Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 7:54 pm
by Scoarden
This topic doesnt even concern Counter Strike
its about Warcraft 3
These are some Maps of Warcraft3 (Frozen Throne) i made on my own.
So if there are some of you who play W3 Frozen Throne and have time to have a look on it, please give me a feedback, so i would think of making some new ones
Here are the links where you can download them : ... s.w3x.html |-> City-Texture, models - changed. ... e.w3x.html <-- New changes. |-> Castle-Texture, models - changed, soundset - changed. ... a.w3x.html <-- New changes. |-> City-Texture, models - changed, soundsets - changed, settings - changed. All Bugs deleted.
Some of the new Unit-Explanations are in german :-/ I will correct it in time.
Re: W3 Maps - Feedback
Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 9:47 pm
by fruitbowl 2
I use to play Wc3 sometimes so I'll check them! I'll give you feedback later
Edit: Wow, pretty nice! Now I just had a look at them but I will play them soon!
Re: W3 Maps - Feedback
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:23 pm
by Scoarden
take the last one
thats my very best, it took sooooooo long to make it
Edit: i just saw, that most of the add-ons i made, are in german. if i got time i will translate it, when i got the time for it
actually im making a new one, in english this time.
Re: W3 Maps - Feedback
Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:21 pm
by Blade
YAY a guy who plays w3 Im actually playing cracked on garena, have you buyed it?
EDIT: They look really nice gona test them with my friends
Re: W3 Maps - Feedback
Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:02 pm
by Scoarden
i bought the cd. simple
SO: Who of you is playing Warcrft 3?
Re: W3 Maps - Feedback
Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:24 pm
by EsketoN
i do BUT I suck =P
Re: W3 Maps - Feedback
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 6:32 pm
by Scoarden
lets play all together a map, then we'll see who is pro
Re: W3 Maps - Feedback
Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:12 pm
by Doggie52
Scoarden wrote:lets play all together a map, then we'll see who is pro
Agreed, and further discussions about one's skill at WCIII can be taken over Steam or PM!
I haven't played WCIII in quite some time, actually, and I've never really played it on a regular basis. On a couple of LANs we've gotten into Tower Defence and those kind of maps. What kind of maps have you made? What genre are they?
Also, an interesting question which you WCIII-players might know the answer to: why is it that some maps are unplayable, giving errors when people try to connect to the server?
Re: W3 Maps - Feedback
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 12:13 am
by Whiskey
Hmm the errors can be issues, or someone made them tobad. Connecting problems etc,
The map i have played was hmm, very fun you should try them out!
Re: W3 Maps - Feedback
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 2:06 pm
by Scoarden
@Whiskey: agree
you and Fruit2 against me was interesting
@Doggie: mostly 1on1, 2on2, 3on3 and ffa-maps (perfect for LAN and Online battles. I tried to make a tower-defense map, but it failed
and there could be problems by connecting to some maps, when the map was made in a different version or especially in a different language.
when a guy makes a map and is writing a tooltip on an unit and you want to play the map too, but with a different version (language) there might be some problems.
that happened to me some times.
EDIT: ... y.w3x.html
thats my newest 2on2 map. @Fruitbowl2, @Whiskey: i changed some things on the map again, like deleting the goblin-labour. because of the hard advantage with seeing everything. And i changed the texture and at last, i edited the tavern and the market <-- you will love the objects you can buy there
EDIT: If im uploading a map, it doesn't mean, that this is the final version of it! Always look at the topic from time to time, if i'm editing, that i changed settings or something like that. Im replacing the links, so if you are downloading one of them, try to copy the download number. So you can look, if there is a new version of the map.
EDIT: NEW MAP AVAILBLE: ... s.w3x.html |-> Island-Texture, normal settings.
TowerDefense: 4 Player If someone got some ideas, please PM me.
EDIT: NEW MAP AVAILBLE: ... a.w3x.html |-> City-Texture, Arenafigt --> Limitless units!
Re: W3 Maps - Feedback
Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 7:21 pm
by fruitbowl 2
Wew, the new maps are awesome! Especially the arenafight
I'm almost only playing your maps Scoarden, the regular maps are booring
Re: W3 Maps - Feedback
Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 8:33 pm
by Whiskey
Let me try em!
Re: W3 Maps - Feedback
Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 10:11 pm
by Scoarden
fruitbowl 2 wrote:Wew, the new maps are awesome! Especially the arenafight
I'm almost only playing your maps Scoarden, the regular maps are booring
thanks fruit2
i always try to create maps, where you can play this game in a different way
And sometimes is very difficult for me, to create one, because sometimes i have so many ideas, but i can't integrate them in one map
and sometimes i have ideas, which i can't even implent
EDIT: ... 2.w3x.html <-- This is the Arena-Map. There are some changes now. I deleted some mistakes. Then you can train the Starcraft units in your barracks (doesn't cost as much as before). The middle is a bit more dangerous now. The way to the middle is a bit more wide.
EDIT: ... 5.w3x.html <-- This is the Arena-Map, but this is version # 2.5. All Bugs are deleted now. ALL FACTIONS ARE PLAYABLE!!!
I am always open for ideas, for the next maps i will make. Because i am running out of ideas soon
Re: W3 Maps - Feedback
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:44 pm
by fruitbowl 2
Your new maps are awesome! I will start making some soon
Re: W3 Maps - Feedback
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:13 pm
by Scoarden ... 0.w3x.html |--> Gathering Arena v.3.0 Uploaded: 14.07.11 The part in the middle is a bit more... extreme
New Maps in Progress: Finishing settings in the Gathering-Tower-Defense (Four possible players); Gathering-Assault-Map (possibly 6 or 8 players); Gathering-Rush-Hour (10 players)
And thanks Fruitbowl2
Do you have any ideas, what i could change, or create?
PS: Im changing some things in the campaign-maps, now that i found out, how to open them
This map is now availble for two players ... 5.w3x.html Its the one of the human campaign, where you need to defend hearthglen. i made the KI stronger, so its still heavy enough, even if there are two real players. ... 7.w3x.html Same procedere, the last map of the campaign: Reign of Chaos.