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Anterro's Application

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:36 pm
by Scoarden
What is your name? Max

What is your in-game name? |:Anterro:|/|:Surranden:|/|:Droood:|

What is your Steam username? 4meee2

How old are you? 17

Where do you live? In Buchenbach, thats near Freiburg in Germany

Do you have any previous admin experience? I was at MTA San Andreas Admin at the Server BADWOLF 24.7 (In-game name was Surranden) and at one dust server (in-game name Surranden) but only for 7 months 'cause the server was closed :(.

Why would you fit as an admin (long answer, please)? I play at the rats2k4 server for over 2 years now and I dont like to see cheaters,campers,spamer,ghoster and all these guys ruining the gameplay on 2k4. If there are cheaters,... on the server i often record them and I try to send the movies to the admins, anyhow. But it doesnt help at the moment when youre playin and the admin isnt comin, so the recording helps only later, when the cheater is usually offline. So all in all i want to become admin to help the server, or namely the players and not to misuse the admin power.

What game do you generally play (CSS or CS1.6)? CS1.6 and SOMETIMES CSS, but im not good in CSS ;) :D

* Do you regularly TK on the server? No, never.
* Do you regularly annoy other people? No, not even if they are annoying.
* Do you regularly spam your microphone? i dont use my mic ;)
* Do you swear a lot? no, never
* Do you share your Steam account with anyone (this includes your close relatives)? only me is using my acc, no one else

Do you have anything else you would like to tell us? Yes, im learning english for over 6 years now and i hope its good enough, i like hearing music, playin pc, (not only cs;) ) as example COD Modern Warfare 2 and i was for one week at an english-german exchange in England at the town Guildford, its near London and i want to return to England soon, i liked it very much there, i stay in contact with the english pupils so my english is much used ;) and of course at the 2k4 server;)

Yours sincerely,

Re: Anterro - Surranden

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:57 am
by Doggie52
Now that the forum is opened again, I would very much like to see replies being made here! I believe you are a good candidate for the post :) .

Re: Anterro - Surranden

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:49 am
by fruitbowl 1
I can only agree with doggie, you are a very good candidate. I play with you almost everyday at the server and I've only seen good things when we've played. You have what it takes, no doubts about it if you ask me! :)

It's a yes!

Re: Anterro - Surranden

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:29 pm
by StatiC
I see him a few times a day on the server, he seems nice and confident, he has good English and seem very mature.

A yes from me. :)

Re: Anterro - Surranden

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:31 pm
by Flubbel
Well! I know him in reallife as a really good and mature friend! =)

I would never think that he will go mad or wild with his admin powers, he was very active at the forums and he is easily able to behave as an good admin + act in the right way!
About the english: Definitely mor than good enough!

Yes by me! Easily but true =)

Re: Anterro - Surranden

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:27 pm
by N3bulouz
I think your a very good candidate.
I believe you're online very often, and I see you're english is almost perfect!
You'll get a YES from me, also regarding to other people here, you seem to be kind and mature!

Re: Anterro - Surranden

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:45 pm
by eli
I think you would do a good admin job.
I played already some times with you and you seem mature, also while chatting with you.
Also your experience as admin is a good point.
A yes from me.

Re: Anterro - Surranden

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:04 pm
by fruitbowl 2
I've met you many times in-game and in steam chat, and you would be an great admin since you got good english, are very mature, and you would not misuse your admin powers. You are a calm person and you are not getting mad when someone blocks you or camp-kills you. I absolutely think you would be an excellent admin to de_rats2k4 server. Good luck mate! :D

Re: Anterro - Surranden

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:15 pm
by Whiskey
I have played really much with you on rats2k4.Your very mature and i think you would become a great admin.

I wish you good luck! ;)

Re: Anterro - Surranden

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 8:16 pm
by GloriousNoR
I like your application and your English seems good.

But I haven't seen you much in-game, but thats propably because of my abscense.

A yes from me.

Re: Anterro - Surranden

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 8:50 pm
by henk
i think you're a nice person with feeling for the server and it's members,
i don't know the stuff of ingame but you speak fluently english
and you take the initiatief to talk to admins, me to set an example.
a yes from me and good luck;)

Re: Anterro - Surranden

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 1:02 am
by NickCPC
Seem pretty mature to me when I've played with you under a fake name (though it was a couple of months ago) - there's worse people out there than you. I'd give you my backing.

Re: Anterro's Application

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:25 pm
by Qattro
i agree with henk :*
ive not met him ingame but the reason therefore is that I stopped gaming and not thats hes not regulary online ;)
Ive looked up his apply some days before and after a cheerful talk with him ive got a good impression of him and i think that he would fill out the admin position very well ;)
So ist a Yes in my eyes

Re: Anterro's Application

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:52 pm
by Zentropa
hope you get admin!

Re: Anterro's Application

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:30 am
by KickFoot
It's a definite yes from me. You're very active on the forums, and I hope you will continue to be! Your application is good. Haven't played with you, but hell, I don't need to. You're the man for the job. Wish we had 10 more like you applying.

Plus, you have great taste in women. (H)