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Dream-Evil Status Report

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 1:34 pm
by Doggie52
Hello members!

I'd thought I'd update you all on some parts of Dream-Evil and its servers due to the large number of questions I've recently gotten on the said matters. Here goes...

When will we get breakfloor and breakfloor_2 back on the server?
I couldn't agree more with those of you who have been complaining about breakfloor2k5 and the way the map promotes TKing and trenching. Unfortunately, due to the recent updates rolled out by Valve we can't host neither breakfloor nor breakfloor_2 on the server anymore. Nobody can connect to servers running those maps without getting the "snapshot overflow"-error and thus we of course can not have them running.

What I have done, though, is put a map called breakfloor_classic on the server - this map is pretty much a remake of the original breakfloor-map but made working with the updates. It will be in the rotation until an update is rolled out that enables use of the old maps again!

Why is the breakfloor-server constantly offline?
Currently the breakfloor-server is experiencing some very awkward crashes (again, due to the recent updates rolled out by Valve). Although I have taken counter-measures to ensure the server restarts after a crash it seems unwilling to do so. The little spare time I have is spent on trying to fix this, but all I can hope for now is that it somehow miraculously fixes itself.

Why are you so inactive? Why aren't you answering any applications?
I'm in my last year of studies this year - work is piling up around me and I need to devote a large portion of my free time to this. As a direct consequence of this I have less time to spend with Dream-Evil.

I will try to methodically go through the applications and accept those that are fit for the job and decline those that aren't - just like usual. However, for the coming few months this will take longer time as I have less time to spend reading the applications. Those applying will simply need to have patience ;) !

Dream-Evil will not die, neither will it cease to exist. I love this community, its members and what we all have done together and I will not let it die because of me studying my time away! There's no need to worry - in the end the server problems will be fixed and perhaps even the old maps will be playable - I strongly believe it is only a matter of time.

All I ask of you is to have patience with me and the community because in the end, things will settle nicely :) .

Loving regards,
Doggie52 :* .

P.S. Please, spread this message around to those that perhaps don't visit the forum as often. I believe it is important that all of us are aware of what's going on!

Re: Dream-Evil Status Report

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 1:52 pm
by N3bulouz
Good to know all these bugs are going to be fixed!
And good luck with your studies! ;)

Re: Dream-Evil Status Report

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 3:09 pm
by PungsparkaN*
Good update Doggie :) Hope the map rotation will work as normal and don't crash all the time. Thanks.

Re: Dream-Evil Status Report

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 5:39 pm
by ewil apple
Thanks for the information, D :)!

Re: Dream-Evil Status Report

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:33 pm
by NickCPC
As everyone else has said, a great and useful update. I'll have to catch you on Steam at some point too. If you haven't started your studies yet, shall we see if we can work out a FightNight again at some point? :P

Catch you soon!

Re: Dream-Evil Status Report

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:23 am
by matei4matei
please invite my for clan

Re: Dream-Evil Status Report

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:29 pm
by Doggie52
matei: Dream-Evil is not a clan, we are a community. By registering on our forums you are now a member :) !

Re: Dream-Evil Status Report

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:36 pm
by N3bulouz
I know what his name is in-game. His name is Eqiuilibrium and he is asking me all the time for an invite for a clan, and he asks me to make him admin. Anyone on CS:S, does this sound familiar?

Re: Dream-Evil Status Report

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:34 pm
by Blade I've had those annoying guys too on a other game ;) :P perm ban and fixed it xD