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Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 10:13 pm
by Johan
Hello, I am Slized. You will see me a lot of times in the breakfloor server! I am a studying "kid"... Hehe I won't call it cĀ“kid but...
I'm 13 years old and frendly! I will trying to do my best to don't failure on this community! I am understanding and patience and cool if I got to decide!
I'm playing bass in a band, not kind of serios but funny. I also LAN a lot with my friends so you will see us gaming together in breakfloor and maybe other servers too.
I am from Scandinavia, Sweden. I like raw rap and hip hop like Eminem! Hehe, well anyways.... Hello everybody!

Re: Hey!

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 11:53 pm
by ewil apple
Hey! Welcome!