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Any one please read this!!

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:38 pm
by [AiM] Ownage
My brother and I played one dream-evil server for a long time now. My brother is rank 4 and i am rank 11 and almost 10. We want to become admins of that server to help out. This is, because we want that server to become fair and not have any tkers/campers/or hackers in that server. We Respect the rules and we play fair. We know alot of other admins. We have looked up how we could become admins we understand if you dont want us to become admins, but you can give us a chance. If you dont think we recpect the rules well enough then you can un admin us. We are just looking for a chance. My Steam name is otto0wn and my brothers is jozsischolten. Our game names are [AiM] Ownage and [AiM] Bwuk 0verkill :D.

Re: Any one please read this!!

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 11:07 pm
by Doggie52
You've done pretty much everything wrong - to start with. Better luck next time.
