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Jipneke's APP
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:35 pm
by Jipneke
* Do you regularly TK on the server? No
* Do you regularly annoy other people? No
* Do you regularly spam your microphone? No
* Do you swear a lot? Sometimes when several people get tk'd including me or a spawncampert and admin doesnt react on complains about tkers that tk to feed there obsession.
My name is Sven, and my steam account is named leroywilly, Im 18 years old and im living in the Netherlands.
I have admin experience in several games and apps like, Ravenshield, Battlefield 2, Teamspeak, a bunch of forums.
Why do I see my self as an good admin. I think being an admin isnt just being online, but observing the game by joining.
By joining the game you can experience the gamer feelings yourself. Anoying spammers or TKers won't pop-up in the console like "Dr.Love Tk's Johndoe"
Next to school gaming is a part of my sparetime filling, those moments will be on a dream-evil server. This way I can support, help and lead the players to a
good and fear game. Im really annoyed by the spawncampers that are waiting for you to come out somewhere. Even when an normal admin talks to them they refuse( or they are blind junkies behind the desktop with beer and a hamburger) to stop the camping and others. Maybe even more anoying is the teamkilling, today around 5pm(1+) there was this guy that was tking and he starteed blaming people of tking while he didnt got tked himself.
Anyway, time for action
I play CSS and that is about it.
Have Fun ingame!
I hope I get an oppertunity
Cya online!
Re: Jipneke's APP
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:33 pm
by PungsparkaN*
Hey =)
I was in game around 3pm-7pm on the server and i saw you there almoste all time. you didn't tk but maybe got Tked like i got. They were spawncamping and camping and Tking the whole day to day.
Good apply to.
Re: Jipneke's APP
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:48 pm
by Doggie52
Hey Jipneke! Welcome to our community, that is a long and well-written application
! Do not, however, expect a fast reply. I have a lot of things to do this week.
Re: Jipneke's APP
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 10:15 pm
by Jipneke
Doggie52 wrote:Hey Jipneke! Welcome to our community, that is a long and well-written application
! Do not, however, expect a fast reply. I have a lot of things to do this week.
Haha yes I noticed in the other apps that are already running. It may take 2 to 2,5 weeks is I remember well.
Anyway dream-evil server is the best. Just got off the server. Tomorrow is a brand new day
Re: Jipneke's APP
Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:15 pm
by ewil apple
Hmm, If I'm not mistaken you were the dude who was acting out too much! You were being rude towards other players! CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG but do you have a short temper?
Re: Jipneke's APP
Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:52 pm
by Jipneke
ewil apple wrote:Hmm, If I'm not mistaken you were the dude who was acting out too much! You were being rude towards other players! CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG but do you have a short temper?
Maybe I blamed someone wrong ones, but I can't really remember being rude to other players @ dream-evil
Re: Jipneke's APP
Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:44 pm
by Jipneke
Server is a complete disaster of campers on the moment. No fun to play
Re: Jipneke's APP
Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:15 am
by Doggie52
I can understand that - it is the admins' job to clean it up. But we all have lives to attend to as well, you see. But I agree, out of the 27 currently available admins at least one or two should be online.
Your best bet is to join our Steam-group (search for dream-evil) and contact the admins through there!
Re: Jipneke's APP
Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 9:42 am
by Jipneke
I'm part of the dream-evil community, typing !admins show's who's online.
Most of the time Ewil is there but accually he's just online on steam or something don't really know on what facts it's based.
Anyway server ain't covered all the time
Re: Jipneke's APP
Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 10:16 am
by ewil apple
!admins shows only who's online, but I don't think it show's who's online on steam but rather who's in the game. Dexter is in my friends list and when he is playing on some other server (example) and I type !admins on Dream Evil, it does not show him. And yes, Doggie pointed out the easiest way how to locate admins, just search dream evil community and most of them have joined that group so you could see who's online now.
During daytime not many of admins can be online. People have work, school, alcohol, women and everything else to attend to also
! Aa yes, maybe some admins have men to attend to also!
Re: Jipneke's APP
Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 10:17 am
by ewil apple
One more thing, I'm starting to think I'm weird. I think I can actually honestly say I'm online too much!!! I try to spec. all, but sometimes the game is just running on the background and I'm doing other stuff.
Re: Jipneke's APP
Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 9:17 pm
by NickCPC
Personally I haven't had internet at my uni house for nearly 3 weeks; in fact we were only connected today. As a result when I do have a bit of free time in the evenings, I wasn't able to admin the server.
Having said that, my Steam username is on here under my picture, and I personally feel if you are having that many issues online you should make the effort to add some of the current admins on steam before whining (well I think you are whining) about it on here. I'm usually near my laptop and if it's on I am logged into Steam, so if I'm free I will join the server and take action if I judge it to be necessary. I don't think we should all have to defend why we aren't always on though, as you appear to be a fairly new player, but do understand like others have said that we do have lives outside of CSS.
Now, going back on topic, I personally am not sure you should get admin rights. You seem quite short tempered, but if we play in the near future you'll have a chance to change my opinion.
Re: Jipneke's APP
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:08 pm
by Jipneke
Im still playing in the breakfloor server with evilblacksonic, but haven't seen you this week.
Anyway back to you reply.
I was playing on the server before on another steam account, because the game wasnt mine.
Now I bought the game my own so I started a new account.
Maybe you remember the nickname "Silencer"
Re: Jipneke's APP
Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 2:26 pm
by Doggie52
Yes, as a matter of fact - I think I do remember you.
As you might have read - I am off until Monday, and I will try and make up my mind by then!
Re: Jipneke's APP
Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 8:26 pm
by Jipneke
Nice to hear.
Enjoy your weekend!