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Re: New Maps on the Source Server

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 9:23 pm
by Doggie52
I've read through every one of the replies to this thread, and I see a valid point being made in every one of all of your opinions. This, of course, makes it very hard for me to come up with a solution to the problem. There are a number of problems, as I see it:

Problems with resetting the ranks:
  • Regulars, even those that aren't on the forums, will one day have lost all of their scores and many of them will surely lack the motivation needed to stay on the server (this is particularly true for the Source server, where the breakfloor-styled maps aren't as popular as they were back in the days)
Problems with NOT resetting the ranks:
  • Because the ranking system works the way it does, the gap between the lower and the higher ranked players will widen, all by itself.
Let me do some more thinking about this. I can definitely see a Hall of fame-section coupled with regular resets as being one solution. This would mean a renewed interest and "competition" for the higher ranks after every reset (since your name appears in the Hall of fame-list); if these happen a few times a year we can make sure to satisfy both newcomers and hardened veterans.

After all, both breakfloor and rats2k4 take some experience to be good at -- so the hardened veterans will still have some advantage at getting the higher ranks.

How does this sound?
NickCPC wrote:Frankly I don't think it matters whether it is reset or not, it's more about when it fits in with Doggie's plans.
That made me laugh, you really highlight the dictator in me there ;) .

Re: New Maps on the Source Server

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:10 am
by NickCPC
Haha, you know what I meant :P